
Guten Morgen from Gemany

Hello, friends!

Quick post to let you know I arrived safe and sound. I am writing this post from Mannheim, Germany. I attempted to write both a meaningful and stirring post, but here are the facts working against me: I've raided the hotel mini bar, been up 36 hours straight, and am slightly hungover (from partying with a group of a dozen ex-pats from around the globe). And even though I haven't found my dream apartment (in fact I have found exactly zero that will take pets), after one day I do believe Max and I will do just fine here.

More to come when I've had some rest and food...


kenju said...

WOOHOO! Good to know you got there safely, and partied heartily, and that you think you will do fine there. I bet you will end up loving it!

Bernie said...

Now the thing is, if you have NOT slept for 36+ hours, and you have raided the mini bar, how many drinks will it/did it take to knock you out for the count?? :)

Here from Michele's tonight...

burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you made it...and sounds like you've already figured out how to really enjoy Mannheim.

Keep us posted and take care.

Guten tag!

LZ Blogger said...

Traveling can be a pain. But it's great you made it there in tact! ~ jb///