
Fresh and clean as a whistle

Thanks for all your happy thoughts! I have good news to report. The good doc says my basket looks perfectly capable of carrying an egg or two. Whew!


MsTypo said...

That's wonderful news!! ***hugs***

Treff said...

I am so happy to hear this!

Anonymous said...

More happy thoughts your way! Great news!

Vodka Mom said...

a toast to you.......and your basket.

jaded said...

That's great!

gemma said...

Prayers are answered.

Sue Jacquette said...

I really am so happy for you.

Anonymous said...


Scary Mommy said...

Yay for good eggs. That's fantastic news!!!

Connie said...

Yay! :-)

running42k said...

What they said, yay. Now get to work on filling the basket, it's actually quite fun.

oreneta said...

That's definitely good news!!!

Sonja Streuber, PMP(R), SSBB said...

Woohoo! When you start trying again, I wish you two a baby that's as good and wonderful as my little one.

kenju said...


Anonymous said...

I know you are "old" but I think it's not that odd to miscarry--people usually don't talk about it. All this means is that your baby is yet to be conceived. But I'm very glad that you know you have a good life either way.

Now, could we work on getting me an opportunity to be a mama? ;)

Diane Mandy said...

jamy - It's only alarming that I've miscarried twice (and that I do have a fibroid). The doc wanted to make sure that this (or possible other unknown problems) didn't cause my miscarriages. Fortunately, my uterus got a clean bill of health. I had been worried I might be facing another myomectomy, but now my mind is put at ease.

As far as you...Yes, we can work on it! But based on what I've been reading you aren't exactly free any more. Or, did I miss something?

fiona said...


essie said...

i tried to leave a comment yesterday, but my yoda laptop had lost it's force!
this is the best news I've heard ALL DAY!!!
go you!!

Anonymous said...

good !

christina said...

That's really great to hear!

AmyB said...

I'm SOOOOO happy to hear this! Woo hoo!!! What a relief. :o)

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

That is happy news :)