
I blog, therefore I am.

If you had to choose one

a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) blogging

which would it be? Why?


Anonymous said...

c) blogging: It's free form letting you pick a length that fits whatever topic you happen to want to talk about. Not everything fits in 140 characters.

I avoid Facebook because of copyright issues--and I understand its tough to delete personal information on a permanent basis.

As for Twitter--I like it--it lets me be pithy and not clutter my blog with random passing thoughts. However if I had to give it up, I'd be ok with that.

Vodka Mom said...

J'adore blogging ! ! ! I don't know how I lived without it.


Anonymous said...

I feel like a drunk who is being made to choose between whiskey, vodka or tequila.

jaded said...

I guess I made the choice by default, since I only have one of those.

meno said...

I ain't go no Twitter, and i ain't got no Facebook.

There's your answer.

Sizzle said...

Blogging because...I am in control!

Anonymous said...


Social Networking is fun and all that but I love to write!

kenju said...

Blogging, for certain! You can really write whatever and as much as you like.

Jill said...

Blog, blog, blog...
It just seems more free. You can use more than 140 characters at a time and you don't have to be a member of anything :)

Connie said...

BLOGGING! It's my connection to home - and from home (with family blogs). FB is a nice way to say a quick hello, but for real communication, it's blogging or email.

oreneta said...

Blogging. Hands down. so much more flexible and I can shape it so much more. Facebook is boring honestly, so would come in third, and I honestly use twitter as micro-blogging, so it isn't a whole lot different. It posts to my blog for mini-updates....

Anonymous said...

Hands down blogging. I am on facebook but seriously, that's all there is to it?? I'm not getting the attraction. I don't twitter. I have enough things to waste my time on :)

I like to blog because I can write and write and it's sometimes dumb or silly or insightful but that's okay. It shows who I am.

PapaScott said...

Blogging. I've never understood Facebook, but that might be because I'm over 40. Twitter is a nice diversion, and I'll put short things on Twitter since my tweets appear on my blog. Since most of my thoughts aren't that deep, they fit in 140 characters and end up on Twitter. But I could just as easily blog them as well.

Global Librarian said...

Blogging. It allows me to format my words and photos in a way that is visually pleasing.

Also like Facebook.

Just plain don't understand the attraction of Twittering. It even sounds silly.

Charlotte said...

Blogging, without a doubt. Facebook is a communication tool for me, but blogging is never-ending fun.

C N Heidelberg said...

Ouch. :( Well Twitter would be the first to go - I don't use it much. After that, I'm not sure. I really use Facebook a lot. I hate the idea of giving up my blog, but I think I'd have to keep Facebook. It really helps me stay in touch more easily with people who matter to me.

MsTypo said...

Tough question! While i was working through my writer's block I still facebooked. And it allows for more immediate interaction with some people. But I'm going to have to vote for blogging. :) It makes me happy.

The Honourable Husband said...

Blogging is writing. Writing is good.

Twitter? Trust me, you don't want to hear what passes through my head at any given moment of the day.

Facebook? That's like being trapped in the movie Heathers, forever.

Unknown said...

I would probably choose BLogging.... but FB has been an amazing way for me to reconnect with so many people I never would have been able to track down...

Crud, now I am not so sure....

Dallas said...

It's a hard choice between Facebook and Blogging. Blogging is nice because I have a lot of room to post my accounts and photos, but I love the interactiveness of Facebook. It really helps me keep up with friends, rather than just wondering if they read my blog.

Twitter is of no interest to me. It's like a needy-annoying Facebook status on Red Bull. :)

Unknown said...

Blogging. Facebook I do for friends who are far too busy to write emails, but we enjoy keeping in contact & it's the best way to do so from halfway around the world. Twitter I don't really care for & agree with the comment from Dallas just above mine. But I do so because I was asked by over a dozen people.

Sue Jacquette said...

Blog. While I am also on FB and love it, I really enjoy the outlet blogging gives me, and the insight into others.

SM said...

Definitely blogging. I quit facebook over a year ago and while I have twitter, I update it maybe once a week.

Blogging is an amazing way for me to journal. I love to write in my journal, but sometimes I have a hard time writing by hand - I get side tracked easily, I write slower and my hand starts hurting (I have mild carpal tunnel). Plus, my handwriting changes throughout what I'm writing and then I get annoyed because it's not uniform. So blogging allows me the same joy of journaling but with cool templates and uniform font.

Scary Mommy said...

I have chosen and blogging wins. I Facebook as a way to keep in touch with friends, but spend 95% of my computer time blogging. I don't really get Twitter and love that I made a book of the blog so it's my children's baby book of sorts. I never feel like it's a total waste of time, you know?

essie said...

oh my blogger friend...it's blogging, hands down-tho-i do have a fb account.
the fb keeps me up to date on the pals from around the way
the blog is 100% mine
like those comments before me
what is mine, is good.
writing is good
the outlet is good
so blogging it must be!

we still need to link up-there is an amazing chocolate shop in Weirnheim (sp?) that looks insanely delish and whoa tempting!

fiona said...

Blogging for me but FB has helped me reconnect with long lost friends!

Anonymous said...

Facebook can do whatever they want with anything you post there including your photos, so, not a fan. http://consumerist.com/5150175/facebooks-new-terms-of-service-we-can-do-anything-we-want-with-your-content-forever

I use to really love blogging but lately work has been keeping me to busy write anything much of note. That's where Twitter now comes in.

It's great for small updates, to keep in touch with my hilarious friends and find fascinating tidbits of information quickly. Folks that doesn't get Twitter simply aren't following interesting Twit accounts. That's my two cents.

Oh, plus! Twitter's take... "What's yours is yours." http://twitter.com/terms Yay Twitter!

Anonymous said...

I'd say blogging although Facebook is a close second as it's a great (and insanely easy) way to keep updated on what's happening with my friends all around the globe. But I can still keep in touch with friends through blogging while having a true creative outlet that's all mine.

Rositta said...

Blogging hands down...I have a facebook account but use it only to see what my grandsons are up to since they live so far away. Definitely no twittering for me, not my thing...ciao

Jack Steiner said...

Blogging. It provides the greatest amount of satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

I deleted my Facebook account last week and I'm reducing my time spent on Twitter.

So blogging wins.

Poppy said...

Blogging is for me; FB and twitter are for others.

Blogging, please.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Blogging. I am not a fan of major social networking or constant updates - perhaps I am a loner AND lazy :)

(sorry...so far behind on reading posts...just catching up)