

Off to a party. How do I look?


Me said...


You look awesome...hooooot!

kenju said...

Is it Halloween? April Fool's Day?

You look terrific.....meeeeeeeeow!!

MsTypo said...


Have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG You look absolutely adorable!

Dallas said...

Cute! Are you going to a Carnivale party? People all over Belgium dress up this week for Carnivale parades.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! You look about 25! And feline. :)

utenzi said...

Awwwww, How very cute you look!

G in Berlin said...

You look fabulous! Happy Karneval!

Sue Jacquette said...

How adorable!

Anonymous said...

You are adorable! Yay you!

Rositta said...

You look great, enjoy Fashing, I'm jealous...ciao

Shelly said...

Oh my...that's fabulous...how can you not have fun in that get-up?!

jen said...

Totally adorable. Do you have a swishy tail too?

Connie said...

ooh! Cairo Typ0 took my comment! So I'll say: How Purrrrrrty! ;-)

swenglishexpat said...

Rrrau, hello kitten! ;-)

Dianne said...

you look fabulous!

fiona said...

Cute Kitty! I love it :)

AmyB said...

SO CUTE! That makeup job is phenomenal!!!

jaded said...

beware of strays.

essie said...

ohhh Fasching fun!

you do look " purrrfect!"

Scary Mommy said...

You are one hot cat! Love it!!

Dan-E said...

great makeup. do you have the cat bodysuit as well? and is charlie trying to chase after you?

Carol said...



Unknown said...

Cute =^Ă—^= That's a kitty for you :-) I hope you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Briliant! I love the ears!

Anonymous said...

You are the cat's meow! Hope you had a great time.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...


Cheryl said...

So cute! I hope you had fun.

J said...

I didn't know that you had Carnival way down there.

Raymonty said...

Touch my hand on my blog.

Unknown said...

Look at you hottie!