Know this sad-looking child, who looks as if her photo was about to appear on a milk carton or, better yet, and FBI wanted poster?
This is my first passport photo, taken when I was 11-years old. My parents teasingly told me that the Greek authorites wouldn't let me enter the country if my passport photo showed a smile. I thought they were serious and worked very hard to make sure my teeth didn't show.
It is, in fact, the only photo I have in which I am not smiling.
I think I got a little better at having passport photos taken as time went on, don't you?

I think 11 year old you is ADORABLE!!! Smile or not. So cute.
Of course recent you isn't too hard to look at either. I wish I could rock a short do like you. I always look retarded when I try it. You look chic and lovely. Unfair.
At my most recent passport photo session (about 10 months ago), the lady told me that I HAD to pull my hair back and show both of my ears.
OK, not only was I having a bad hair day and needed to wear it down... but when I finally pulled it back and she took the photo - it's so up close that you could see my pores! And it doesn't help that I have my dad's ears...
You on the other hand - look gorgeous in both photos - whether you smiled or not!!
Totally dig the short hair too!
Both of those are great passport photos. We, Kiwis, have to be 'expressionless' in our passport photos which as you can imagine is fairly difficult for the average New Zealander consequently most people look as if they are in front of a firing squad. Something the New Zealand customs officials that man (and women) our boarders must find rather amusing since they are by far and away the friendlies, unintimidating customs officials I have come across yet.
For the Canadian passport, we have to pull our hair back, we cannot show our teeth or smile, and we have to remove our glasses....
a nation of blind grumpy bald people. That is what we will be....but we will all have ears anyway.
That's not bad! I think you look cute. Stay tuned for my blog on Friday. I'm posting pics of me and my sis at about 7 and 10 years old. She may never speak to me again afterwards but it'll be worth it!
Oh my... in your 11yo pic, aren't you supposed to have a little plaque around your neck? And have a matching profile shot too? You look much less dangerous in the 2nd photo. :)
My photos are always hit or miss, but have had good luck with the kids. I thought my daughter's 1st one would be a disaster. She'd been in full 16mo tantrum from the moment she was woke up, dragged across town by Metro, sat in a waiting room, etc. She even screamed in the photo area. But as soon as we sat her on the stool in front of the camera, she smiled as pretty as anything and gave us a perfect, angelic even, smile. After the photo, which turned out beautifully, she went right back to tantrum.
Your 11 year-old photo is indeed still cute, even though you aren't smiling. But your current passport photo: WOW!!! I bet you get comments from the passport officers who have to look at your passport ;-)
That's so funny. I love that your parents told you that. We do that to our daughter all the time. For her first 10 years, she thought my husband's middle name was peach... Jason Peach Jacquette. When she saw his monogram anywhere (JMJ), she assumed it stood for Jason, Mommy and Jade.
I like them both, and you were adorable as a child (and I'm sure you are now, too). My passport photo makes me look like an albino criminal.
Back again.
You MUST go here and see these photos of Barcelona. They are wonderful!!
What's embarrassing about those photos? You were a very sweet 11-year-old. Treasure that old black-and-white photo!
Oh my, weren't you a cute wee thing?
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