

I'm re-emerging in the blog world after an unscheduled hiatus last week. Nothing earth shattering kept me away. Rather, Iife has been a little hectic here at the Mandy pad. Between getting Max moved to Barcelona (as of yesterday) and my never-ending Spanish lessons, I've had little time for much of anything.

Doesn't sound like much fun, does it?

I can hardly believe I only have 26 days (not that I am counting) left in Germany. Bear with me, folks. I'm a little overwhelmed and not sure how long before I'll be in a business-as-usual routine.


Unknown said...

I was coincedentally wondering today if my Google follow feeder was working appropriately or not when I hadn't seen any updates from you lately ;-)

Hang in there & keep it up with your espaƱol learning :-)

Jul said...

Good luck with all the move prep! I'm excited for you, although I'm sad you'll be leaving Germany before we had a chance to meet.

Jill said...

I was missing your posts :) glad things are ok, sorry you will be missing your hubby, but your last days in germany will fly by with all you have to do. You will be all warm and eating paella before you know it!

Simple Answer said...

So, you meant for the next 26 days right? Cuz I'm gonna wanna here from Barcelona as soon as you get there!

Ron said...

Hi Diane~

Preparing to move can be so overwhelming. I know what that's like when I moved back to northeast. So many things to think about.

Take all the time you need, dear lady...because we'll always be here!


Anonymous said...

I actually was getting ready to send out a search party after you and leave stupid pointless comments on your blog today until I heard from you.

So, you saved yourself from me :)

Glad to see you're back!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Barcelona, so I'm all jealous. I think you'll love it too. I love Spain in general, it's just a whole other way of living. In a good way. But yeah, any change is hard to begin with, however, I think you'll rule the city in no time. - The GUV

Claire said...

Exciting times!

Viva espagna!


Anonymous said...

Nice to *see* you! Hang in there and keep smiling! Te Amo!

kenju said...

It's good to hear from you anyway. Buenos dias!

Jill said...

Enjoy your last few weeks in Germany!

Oddly enough, I find that until you're completely acclimated with your new location, that your favorite posting is always your last one.

Maybe that's just because I went from a 1st world country to a 3rd world...

Dianne said...

I'm not moving and I'm not learning a new language and I can barely keep up!

I bet you're doing great - don't forget to enjoy the adventure