
RIP Little Bear

A valued member of the Mandy clan was laid to rest yesterday after being literally loved to death by his beloved, Charlie.

My heart almost broke when I tossed out Charlie's bear, the stuffed toy my pupster had literally carried to bed every night since as long as I can remember. But unfortunately, I had no choice. Bear had become hazard in his old age. Charlie managed to tear off his ears, arms, eyes, nose, and squeaker. I worried my dog might choke on all the stuffing that was being scattered throughout the house. Besides, I was tired of constantly picking up bear's remains.

While there was really no replacing Charlie's bear, I had to come up with a substitute and fast. My dog is sleeping over a friend's house a few days while I spend a weekend in Milan with the husband.

And so, last night I headed to the only store in Germany I knew would still be open at 8:30 at night.


I carefully examined the toy section, scouring the stuffed animals in the hopes of finding one that might somehow be a suitable companion for Charlie. I sure hope I made the right choice.

I now present to you Charlie's new porcupine (at least I think it's a porcupine).


Anonymous said...

That is ADORABLE! :) I'm sure he will love the uh...porcupine...as much as his old love. I love people's pics of their dogs or cats. They make me all fuzzy inside.

Anonymous said...

Also, I know I can't have your cute dog, but I MUST get one of those porcupines. I love it!

OK I'm done with the monopolizing now. Have fun in MILAN you jet setting lady.

kenju said...

AW, does he love it like he did the bear? It's so cute!

Shelly said...

Around here the stuffing is the first to go! Our little "angel" still plays with the unstuffed arms and legs...there are bunny and bear bits and pieces all over the house. I need to follow your lead and give them a toss.

oreneta said...

Looks like he thinks it'll do....

Sizzle said...

Awwww, cute.

essie said...

you crack me up!
we have a teeny tiny pooh bear that goes EVERYWHERE with Oreo (our Shiz'tu) and the opening of his stocking this Christmas, when he saw squeaker toys was nothing short of hysterical!
heaven for him...pure heaven!

Connie said...

Aw! Charlie is so sweet! I never knew dogs could have 'lovey's! Although I guess my cat had a favorite toy that I had to hide at night because I really do not like playing fetch at 2am. I think movers may have tried to do me a favor by 'losing' it (it was very disreputable and patched). He's never had another favorite toy (until I gave him my baby girl - they're buds) I hope Charlie loves his new porcupine pal.. or hedgehog? From the last photo, it looks like the adoption is going well. Charlie is so amazingly beautiful!!

meno said...

I think that might be a hedgehog, but what do i know. Hope he likes it.

jaded said...

It looks tasty.

Anonymous said...

I would have guessed armadillo.

Just a trumpet player said...

They seem to have made friends already ! Good pick !!

Moka has been carying around a frog ever since I got her. That frog is VERY important... But it also died quite suddenly quite often. Good thing I managed to find an exact replica of her beloved frog and bought 5 copies ! I should be in the clear for a couple of years, hopefully !

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... the look in his eye tells me he knows it's a fake. This is NOT his normal bear. I recommend you don't leave your shoes/underwear/TV remote lying around in the next few weeks. There's a dog out there with an axe ot grind.... :-)

MaR said...

Kenju told me about you. I know Oreneta too (but not in person). It's a small world after all! I live in BCN :)

Rick said...

Very funny. So, that makes you a kind of dog/toy match maker?

Ann Harrison said...

I understand the dog/stuffed animal attachment. My chocolate lab has aquired a collection while the girls are at school. He takes them off their bed's and hides them around the house! Silly Benny.
I like the porcupine! :-> I bet it's a hit.

Anonymous said...

Now I want a porcupine.

AmyB said...

Aww, poor bear! Looks like Charlie is enjoying his new friend so far, though. Good news!

G in Berlin said...

I agree with the hedgehog comment. Poor Charlie.