
From Pillar to Post

Just as I am adjusting to a new life in Barcelona, Charlie is also facing a few adjustments of his own.

For a dog who was thoroughly immersed in Germany's dog-friendly ways, Charlie isn't taking very well to the Spanish culture--- where he is not allowed in stores, restaurants, subways, and most public places. Gone are the days when Charlie tagged along on our date nights at the local sushi restaurant or was greeted with a bowl of water at the neighborhood bar. Now he is forced to stay home, rather than come along on our daily adventures. But what's worse for the former "Prince Charles" is, now that we have changed residency, he is being forced to learn a few new "house rules."

The worst of these? No longer being able to sleep in the bed with us.

Ever since he was a little tike who so adorably grabbed his teddy bear up before heading to sleep, I got into the habit of allowing him to cozy up bed with me--a huge no-no in the world of professional dog training. And even though I haven't seen any negative behavioral problems as a result of my leniency, I know this routine could cause problems for unsuspecting pet sitters, who are called upon to watch Charlie when Max and I head out of town for vacations. And so, I've decided to kick Charlie to, if not the curb, than at least to our bedroom floor.

The first night in Barcelona was the toughest--a battle of wills between a reluctant owner and a dog, who wouldn't take no for an answer.

Charlie assuming his usual, nightly, position.

"No...NO?!? Excuse me, mom, but are you really talking to me?"

After I kicked him out of bed, Charlie tried every trick in the book to get back to his favored position.

Every half an hour or so, he would jump in the bed, thinking I had either been mistaken or had forgotten my strange, new command. Then, after he was ordered out again, he'd paced the floor, come back to the bed, flash his big brown eyes or, the ultimate ploy, lay his little stuffed toy at my feet for sympathy.

Poor Charlie! In the end, I won the battle.

But was it really worth winning (especially since the cat still sneaks in bed with us ever night)?


kenju said...

Poor Charlie! It's not easy to unlearn going to bed with your mom. My cats used to sleep with me, and I got tired of being plastered to one position because I had 2 15+ pound cats, one of either side of my legs, keeping me from moving easily. I started closing the bedroom door before they got in - and you would have thought I had put them outside in 20* snowy weather. They were SO insulted! I started putting my bathrobe on the floor outside my room, and one of them sleeps on it every night. The other one was too haughty for that, but she finally learned to go elsewhere. He might not like it, but he will learn eventually.

Anonymous said...

Aw dude, how can you resist those big brown eyes??? :)

meno said...

You are so MEAN! :)

Vodka Mom said...

Awww he is so adorable!!!

Shelly said...

Oh my, that reminds me of the time I housesat for a friend...her two little dogs had to sleep in the bed with me or they would bark all night long. Charlie is wayyyy cuter then her dogs, but it's probably a good idea to break him of the bed habit...what about the cat?

Alice said...

When we kicked our little guys out we bought them a bed. Between that and their crates they were happier. But nearly 3 years later, they stilil jump up and want to sleep with us.

Maybe this could just be a problem he faces when you go out of town??

fiona said...

Poor wee Charlie!
Banjo sleeps with us but wee Fiddle is too WEE to jump onto the bed and too FAT for me to lift him up!
I'm sure your doing the right thing darlin :-)
I train horses for a living, Dogs? RULE THE BEDROOM lol

Chica said...

Aw poor Charlie! I must admit that we made the same rod for our backs by letting our cute little puppy snuggle up in the middle of our bed. Now he is fully grown and scratches the bejesus out of us if we won't let him under the covers! x

jaded said...

First the move, then the floor. That is really harsh. Of course, if I tried to evict my felines from the bed, they would see to it that I never got another good nights sleef.

Dianne said...

does he have a bed of his own? that might make him happier
it worked with one of my cats

he's so adorable, so hard to resist

running42k said...

Poor Charlie.

Besides, what is wrong with the dog sleeping in the bed? My dog sleeps with the kids.

AmyB said...

Poor Chaz! I'm not sure how you say no to that face. My girl's are way too big to get on the bed, or else I might give in, too. Good luck enforcing this new rule!

AmyB said...

OK, so I had to look at the photos again, and I cannot get over his little Ewok arms. SO CUTE! :o)

Sizzle said...

Poor Charlie! But then again I was never good at enforcing those kinds of rules with my pets. And now? My cats are my alarm clock, licking my eyelids and purring into my ear at 6 am every morning.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Aw poorbaby!He's adorable!

Jill said...

Oh the poor munchkin must be devastated to no longer be able to be attached to your side whenever you and Max go out. I'm sure it's a minor shell shock to all of you!

Snooker said...

Awww... Triple doggie pain. Move into a new home, stay in the apartment when the people leave, and now stay on the floor while the cat gets to be on the bed. Poor "King" Charles. I would assume that he thinks Spain sucks.