
Could you ever be friends with your gynecologist?

I always get a good feeling when I visit my gynecologist--obviously not in a physical sense, but rather an emotional one. The truth is, I really like my gynecologist as a person. He is a shy, unassuming older man with a dry wit and sweet disposition. Given any other circumstance, he'd be the kind of person I would choose as my friend. Even though our association has been limited to regular office visits, I believe my doctor could be someone Max and I would feel especially fond of. I can't explain my sentiment. I just know.

But in reality, could we be friends? Would it be weird to befriend your gynecologist once you ended your doctor/patient relationship? And if so, why? I have friends--ex-significant others--with whom I have been more intimately acquainted and managed to retain platonic relationships. I also have business associates--with whom I have not been intimately acquainted--that became good friends. So, why not an ex-gynecologist?

Riddle me this, please.


amy turn sharp said...

Dude. I have a double secret crush on my older and academic prep schoolish gyno. I love him and it grew to a deeper level with 2nd kid. It is normal to kinda fall in love with the one who holds yr hand through this amazing ride. it's ok. I used to get super primped out for my visits and my husband would laugh at my grooming for dr and not him!!!! xo

Anonymous said...

I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to be friends with an Ex-Gynocologist.

Although I think personally I'd feel weird about being friends with a current Gynocologist.

I had a Doctor years ago, that went to my church. In fact he was an Elder in the church. I really had no problem with it, until he proved himself to be a complete and utter quake. (ie; asking about my husband's an my sex life, whether I with held sex to mainpulate him. Just off the wall questions that had nothing to do with my physicals. It ended badly, both as my doctor, and we ended up quitting the church.

So, as long as he isn't your present gyno. which could possibly make things weird or end badly; I say why not?


Jill said...

As long as you don't mind having someone else in the room who's seen your nether regions... I think it's perfectly acceptable.

Of course Max has to agree too...

Anonymous said...

Okay I must be the only crazy person in the comment box here cause no way would I want to be friends with my gyno. I just picture him picturing my hoopie doo over wine and dinner. ;)

kenju said...

I don't see why not. I am friends with my proctologist/gastroenterologist (believe it or not). I did his two daughter's wedding flowers and his wife and I send emails back and forth all the time.

Dan-E said...

i guess a male equivalent would be whether or not i could be friends with my proctologist; i'd have to go with an emphatic HELL no.

i can't imagine being friends with him. this means that, medical reasons notwithstanding, this person at one point or another shoved medical instruments up my butthole. i think i speak for all (straight) men when i say no "friend" would ever do that to another guy. ever.

not only that, we could be debating sports or some other trivial subject and he could effectively win simply by saying "yeah well i shoved a probe up your ass!" and no one wants that.

(i'm overthinking this aren't i?)

Simple Answer said...

You'd have to be more of a grown-up than I am, that's for sure. I dunno. I think I may be destined to always be an immature prude.

Gutsy Living said...

My OB-GYN was very good-looking, and charming. He delivered my kids and I had a crush on him. Then I found out he lived with a guy. I still thought he was the best.

Unknown said...

Um... the only person I would like to share dinner/wine with who has peered into my HOO HOO would be my hubby... So I would have to say NO.

Anonymous said...

I was friends with my ex GYN and although it was a little weird it was cool - he was so nice and mild mannered and someone I enjoyed talking with. Being thatbI am an author on women's gyn issues we'd talk for hours about my work and his work so it was a nice relationsip...

jen said...

My gyno is an older woman and I would love to be friends with her. Actually,I want her to adopt me.

Anyone else have a female gyno?

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's weird because they've um seen you but not in a regular relationship intimate way. It'd of course be far easier if the GYN was a woman...

No one says you can't be friends. But I've heard Germans don't mix business and social matters :)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't do it. In fact, I thought my OB/GYN was a fantastic doctor but then I found out that we attended the same church. I did everything I could to avoid him in a public setting. It was just too awkward for me.

The Big Finn said...

One of my best friends was in midst of an annual physical with a new doctor. While the doctor was performing a digital rectal exam, he happened to glance down at the my friend's file and proclaimed:

"Hey! I think you're my neighbor. In fact, I think you live right across the street from me!"

Having them recreate the scene is always a highlight of parties at his house. Of course, his pants aren't around his ankles during their little skit, AND I refuse to eat from the same snack bowl as the doctor.

Me said...

he....this makes me think of one of my classmates in Grad School. He also happened to be my Primary Care Physician (including the pap smears)....uh huh...yup. We both took a Grad level class in Health Care Management.

Did I mention his wife took the class with him.

Yup...we had a good laugh about it. :)

Unknown said...

My current ob/gyn doesn't speak English well enough for me to be friends with outside of the appointments. I did once have a carrying and great ob/gyn & it he was a great doctor, but far too busy to be more than just an aquaintance outside of office visits. If it's possible for you, I'd say go for it. But honestly, I can't imagine myself doing the same.

AmyB said...

I think as long as YOU could be comfortable being friends with someone who has [professionally!] seen you in your most vulnerable state, I don't see a problem with it! From a logical standpoint, it would be the same as being friends with your dentist or mailman...they have a job of servicing you and your life in some way. Why do the rules have to change just because someone has seen you more intimately than some of the others?

jaded said...

It all depends on your personal comfort level.

essie said...

okay-now i know we absolutely must meet, you crack me up!

i have a friend who is SUCH good friends with her gyno,that she makes "purchases" for him when she goes to AMSTERDAM!!!

read your comment and i say, heck yah! You know where i teach (i think) we could meet at the mall and have coffee or go from there one afternoon?

please promise to keep blogging when you go to barcelona!

fiona said...

I think you could be friends. It's his job not his perversion for goodness sake and unless you have a very "unusual" or "interesting" hoopie doo then he probably doesn't even recall yours in particular. Think of how many the poor guy has to deal with every day!

oreneta said...

I think it might be odd. then again in village land here, I already knew the woman who did the job.

Also, I might say, that as long as you are just having a look done, you might want to retain your relationship with your lovely Gyn...things are a bit different here. I have to say, that you will get good care, but they are not open to any new-fanged ideas...well, you may want to keep in touch after you move. I strongly suspect that the German health care system is more modern in it's relationships with the patients.

Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was odd when my girlfriend told me she was becoming friends with the receptionist at her chiropractor's office.

So yeah, that's weird.

Anonymous said...

I have a dear friend that is a family practitioner adn when I was without health insurance he would perform my gyn annuals for disocuntedf fees for me. He's also gay though so that helps make me more comfortable being friends with someone who knows me as intimately as my hubs! lol...

junglemama said...

I see nothing wrong with it. I really like my gyno as well.

Mara said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. Every time I see my ob/gyn I feel like we should be friends. She is hilarious!!!