
I wanna be a cowgirl!

Admittedly, I've got nothin' to share with you today and am taking the easy way out by publishing another embarrassing photo and fashion faux pas from years gone by. I know it would be better if I came up with a deep-and-meaningful post, but you seemed to like last week's prom disaster well enough. Why not do it again this week?

This lovely, circa 1986, ensemble, featured western-styled, black lace trimmed blue jean shorts and jacket, which I accessorized with black hose and boots.

Yeah, I thought I looked cute.

Please tell me my fashion sense has improved over the years!


Jul said...

Hot stuff!

kenju said...

Diane, you were very cute - but the outfit ought to be burned!

Charlotte said...

I just can't keep my eyes off your friend's skirt. It's a crime against denim.

AmyB said...

Ahaha! That is great stuff, but your friend is wearing STONEWASHED denim, so she totally wins the "What was I thinking?" award this time. Not like you're off the hook or anything, cowgirl! ;o)

essie said...

you are KILLING me with the photos!

sadly....all my fabulous fashionista snaps are in our barn back in virginia!

that should say it all!

meno said...

You DO look cute, in an instantly recognizable as the 80s way.

fiona said...

I'm amazed any of us survived the 80's. The Fashion Police were not what they are now thank goodness.
I think your...interesting? lol

Connie said...

hee hee! Where were you in the '80's?? Most of the decade, I had blue hair... the last bit I was wearing camo and combat boots (professionally, not a grunge thing, altho I still had a boyfriend who'd share my make-up).

Good thing about the era, is how much fun it is now!

Anonymous said...

The frilly curtain dress is one thing. THIS, I can't get behind.

Anonymous said...

See this is why all the pictures got 'lost in the move' at some point or another during my parents recent three moves in nine years. Yep, I remember prairie skirts with the ruffles. I remember dayglo socks (more than one color per foot and even cooler if you did one color on one side and different color on the other side). My kids will look back and laugh at the Gymboree ice cream twinset I put them in too. Just you wait.

And while I have proof of the dayglo incident thankfully my scanner doesn't work with the Mac. I'm saved from being able to share the embarrassment, darn it all!

jaded said...

What? No Big hair.

Ann Harrison said...

Oh-my! Oh-my!
That is definitely "a look". The detail on the shorts is fabulous
I am almost CERTAIN that your fashion sense has improved!

Treff said...

I was thinking about this. I don't think your sense of style has improved any. You were definitely stylin for the times!

Since you still are stylin, I don't think you have changed that much....just the styles! :)