
Things I Know

As much as loath the notion of growing older, I do believe people gain, not only a greying crown, but also greater wisdom and understanding with every passing year. I'd also like to think I've learned a thing or two the last 42 years. And thanks to a tag by the lovely Charlotte, I will share a few through this meme.

1. There is no greater loneliness than when you are coupled with the wrong person.
2. Standing in judgment of others is a burden to your soul, so judge not. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel.
3. The reality and possibility of change can be wonderful, offering you the chance to wake up every morning with a sense of excitement because of new experiences, events, or people that might enrich your life.
4. Why waste time regretting? It zaps valuable energy and effort from you being able to reach your most important objective: improving the here and now.
5. Advance degrees don't necessarily mean advanced intellect or understanding.
6. God doesn't care which team wins the big game.
7. You can always make your point more forcefully without four-letter words.
8. Love and respect the person you see in the mirror. Work and do in order to keep it that way.
9. Don't overestimate the power of spandex.
10. Your happiness only depends on one person: YOU!

I can't remember which of you likes to be tagged and which of you don't. If you like to do a good meme from time to time, would you let me know through a comment?


jaded said...

Sage words. How many of these pearls of wisdom were learned the hard way?

Diane Mandy said...

All but number 6 - that one I am just assuming.

Unknown said...

Wonderful, Diane! Thanks for sharing this! I love good advice :-)

kenju said...

You've gotten very smart in your years!! I think we can safely say we are 99% sure about #6....LOL

running42k said...

wise words indeed.

AmyB said...

Wise and wonderful words, Diane! Thanks for the reminders! :o)

Sizzle said...

Such truth!

fiona said...

No 10 works for me!
Great post, thanks :-)

meno said...

All true, every single one.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I'm in for a meme or two, though I don't know if I have anything to add to this one.

Claire said...

Lovely thoughts.... I may attempt this, but I know my own will fall short of your insights...


Anonymous said...

That first one is so true, and so well written. I feel like you could write an entire post just on that one!

Anonymous said...

Number one is profound beyond measure..I have been there....

Suzanne Casamento said...

1. There is no greater loneliness than when you are coupled with the wrong person.

I love that. Hauntingly true.

Maggie May said...

yes- being with the wrong person is more than lonely!

Charlotte said...

I love them all, but 2 and 10 resonate the most for me.

Anonymous said...

It is good to be older and wiser, no?

Thanks for sharing. I've learned many of these things too, and it's good to see them in print.