
Jet setters?

You understand #1 of my Things to Know post wasn't written about my husband, right?

I thought so. I just felt the need to make sure.

However, this statement sparked a lot of comment, and I've decided to share more about my experience having been coupled with, to put it mildly, the wrong person.

I plan to post it on Valentines Day. "Why Valentines Day," you ask.

Because February 14th is not just a day of hearts and flowers for those with a special someone. It is also Snackie's 3rd Annual Self Love Day, a day where we not only proclaim our love for those most important, but also for ourselves. I figure it will be an appropriate subject for Self Love Day because I got into that relationship, in part, because I didn't love myself enough. (By the way, I'll be posting the rules for Self Love Day in a few days, so stay tuned. )

Before I close this post, let me bring you up to speed on a few exciting developments in my life.

First, Max's company has agreed to provide us temporary housing in Barcelona until our new place is ready. So, I will be moving to Spain in just over a month.

We also learned that we might be able to get a small, corporate apartment in Milan, Italy because Max will be spending 50 percent of his time there and it might actually be cheaper than staying in a hotel. I already know a women, who has a place she'd like to rent. This might become a real possibility. We might have two places to call home, one in Spain and one in Milan. How cool would this be??


Charlotte said...

OMG, you are so glamorous. Dying to hear more!

Anonymous said...

Spain and Italy? Are you sure you don't need a dog sitter?? You don't even have to pay me.

Be sure to stop by for Two on Tuesday - a fun new weekly event!

Anonymous said...

I am into self love day - I need that right about now... I think it's so cool about Milan!!

Connie said...

How wonderful that things are moving along so quickly! Good to have plans.. the more solid the plan, the less stress! I like the idea of 2 homes... actually, I'm looking forward to even one new one (moving this summer), but I am using my imagination. It would take some getting used to. Keeping track of stuff would be a biggie for me.

Vodka Mom said...

I'm in.

Jul said...

Awesome! As someone who is fluttering between apartments in Munich and Dublin these days, I can relate. :)

Shoot me an email if you want any advice on neighborhoods in Milan (or other info about the city - I lived there for 1.5 years and absolutely loved it). Best restaurants ever!

kenju said...

Exceedingly cool!! We went through Milan on the train, but didn't stop and I so wanted to. How lucky are you??!!

Unknown said...

Milan too?! Wow! For you, I hope so! What a fantastic experience :-)

Anonymous said...

Milan AND Barcelona?!

Life is indeed serving you a double martini!

A wonderful opportunity and a chance for you to be with and support Max as he transitions to his new position.

Sue Jacquette said...

Jet setters for sure. Barcelona and Milan? How extravagant!

Simple Answer said...

Cool. Very, very cool.

Shelly said...

Just plain crazy cool!

fiona said...

You are putting the "cool" in cool!

Global Librarian said...

No fair -- you're going to have 2 Places in the Sun?

Will you and Max adopt me?

Anonymous said...

Spain? ITALY? To stay?!

You're living my dream.

Ron said...

Ok, listen...you wouldn't happen to need a personal makeup artist, hairstylist, and reflexologist to move to Spain and Milan with you, would you?

You don't have to pay anything...just feed me pasta and wine.


Anonymous said...

Yay for self-love and all other kinds of love! I cannot wait to read your post. :)

Michelle said...

Only two apartments? Hehe, I'm not jealous of that actually ;-)

Jill said...

Awesome!! Two apartments? In Europe?

No, I'm not jealous at all!

But so glad that everything is working out!