
What's wrong with this picture?


Gutsy Living said...

There's a lot wrong with it, and I'm glad I'm not in the picture. HAHA!

Dan-E said...

the utter lack of beer?

kenju said...

OOOH, you need to come back to Raleigh!! It was 70* today and will be higher tomorrow!

Sonja Streuber, PMP(R), SSBB said...

Um, the fact that these are really Celsius temperatures, and some evil soul photoshopped that little "F" in there.

Speaking of little "F"s, it's effin' cold out here in California, too--temps drop into the 30s at night. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry you'll be leaving us all behind and going to sunny Spain or Italy soon enough. And we'll hate you for a little bit, but then the sun will come back (albeit briefly) and we'll be friends again :)

Connie said...

Brr! But I'd love to see a little of the pretty white stuff... I looked at our weather underground history for yesterday, we had 'sand' as current conditions from 430am through 3pm. mmm! crunchy!

Jul said...

Not enough snow? :)

Anonymous said...

You need to come visit me in Southern Ca!

Diabolus in musica said...

Not cold enough ?

It's been -40F for the past two weeks over here... 37 sounds kinda warm actually !!

Simple Answer said...

One month sista. You can hang in there one more month!